I'll miss y'all, but the memories we made here will last forever. ♥
Let's meet again someday.
I wish you guys the best of luck wherever you end up, and may the blessings of the world follow you wherever you go. ♥
-Kuri ♥
Super candid shot HAHAHA the photog was so fast??
Yay, we're CHINgus! (': //kickedforbadjoke
I look like some weirdo politician
Blurry oops
Thanks for being there for me and putting up with my jokes and stuff ♥
I'm so blur HAHAHA also this video was ridiculously hard to upload fml
Vamprys became a real vampire :OOOOO
Love you guys deep deep ♥
Thanks for being my partner in the time of data verification (':
Special friend ♥ #birbxvamprys ♥